“Hindsight is good, foresight is better; but second sight is best of all.” (Evan Esar)

As we approach the end of 2020, we look back and wonder—If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve… [complete the sentence!]

I love time-travel movies. I often imagine going back to certain times of my life. I wonder what things I would change; what decisions I would make differently. What would I tell my younger self, and would he/I believe me? I recently thought of one “fork in the road” and what my life would have been if I had taken the other route. In that alternate reality, I would have a different profession, live in another region of the world and most probably be wondering what if I’ve gone the other way!

Many people, including myself, want to have a complete “road map,” but God guides us one step at a time via GPS (God’s Perfect Spirit). We want to take the shortest way between point A and point B, but God puts us on the scenic route, where we see places we never knew existed and touch many people’s lives along the way. As we realize that happiness is not a destination but a journey, we appreciate our daily walk with the Lord, detours and U-turns included.

I pray for God’s wisdom as we make decisions, as we create our radio programs, as we share the Good News with a world in turmoil. So, instead of time-traveling to the past, let’s go the other way—to a future where the Light shines into the darkness, where people exit the highway to hell and take the route less traveled to heaven! Believing is seeing! See you in 2021!


Categories: ARABIC