Hi everybody who follows our program through the monthly material published here in World Christian Broadcasting´s page! It is always a pleasure to talk with all of you.

Despite all the bad news we’ve had during these past months, we can now begin to see hope and improve the situation. It maintains our trust and hope in the power of God, who does not forsake us and welcomes us every day. How nice to be able to trust Him.

Good news is always welcome and I want to share some of it with all of you.

In April we mentioned our offer of the book “The International Radio—from Shortwave to the Internet” written by Valter Aguiar. More than 25 people wrote to express interest in the book, and the winner of our contest was José Athair. He lives in the south of Brazil and has been a listener since our beginning in 2018. As soon as he received the QSL card, he sent us a photo of the framed card. It was really cool to see the affection of this listener. The name of the city where José Athair lives is Santa Cruz do Sul, 90 miles from the capital Porto Alegre, and its population is over 100 thousand inhabitants.

José Athair has been an amateur radio listener and has been listening since 1992. Today he works as a concierge assistant in a company in the city. He said: “I am very happy to have participated in this drawing and to be awarded the prize.”

More good news concerns the quality of our shortwave signal. The signal has been excellent and we have reached more people every day through our program. We recently received a letter from listener Antonio Argolo from Northeast Brazil. He is married and his son just celebrated his birthday last May. The family now awaits the arrival of a girl!!! He tells us in his letter:

There is a good audience of Short Waves in Brazil. Listeners appreciate these programs and seek an approximation of the attunement to their daily needs.

I am happy because Rádio Palavra Alegre is approaching this audience, offering a program with varied information, including addressing health, economy and image issues, and about God.

I also notice that the music selection is more attractive, it includes a variety of songs. I liked these songs because they praise God and put man in his place.

Finally, in March I completed 2 years working with this great and blessed World Christian Broadcasting team, it is always good to be together with all of them. Thank you Gayle, Andy and Ben for the confidence placed in me, that these are just two of many years to come.

In next month’s article, I want to tell you a little more about my story and how the program started in Portuguese.

God bless you all.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.’

Numbers 6:24-26

Categories: PORTUGUESE