This July, Brazil is experiencing the Copa América de Futebol. Just like in 2014 in the World Cup, several countries are in a locality to dispute the cup that is so dreamed about. This year the Copa America is in Brazil, and as its name says it is only from the Americas, but from the South, with special participation from Japan and also Qatar, host of the next World Cup soccer.

World Cup Soccer

World Cup Soccer

This period of games and involvement of several countries in one place brings a very interesting atmosphere of integration and love, but also a healthy rivalry. But you may be wondering, what does all this have to do with World Christian Broadcasting and the Program Palavra Alegre? I mean, it’s all about!

Today World Christian Broadcasting has broadcasts in 7 languages, a true meeting of several countries whose sole objective is not to be a champion, but to bring a word of hope, a word of salvation, to the good news of Jesus. And the most interesting of all this is that every nation receives this message in a way that respects their culture and customs. God be praised for it!

Another news that also involves soccer—but not necessarily good news—is the involvement of one of Brazil’s most famous soccer players and Brazilian national team, Neymar Junior. He currently plays for an important team in Europe, Paris Saint German, and was one of the most expensive players in the last hirings, but he was involved in serious problems in the media. Neymar and his family claim to be Christians; however, their attitudes for some time have not matched true Christianity. Unfortunately this is a bad example for several people, mainly for children, who have looked on Neymar as an example.



This question of example and of being true worshipers is undoubtedly of great importance for our Christian walk. This month we will address the aspects related to the life of David, a man according to the heart of God, according to Acts 13:22. It is important to note that David had his faults, but we are surprised at how David’s heart was inclined to do God’s will. Even when he was alone, responsible for shepherding the sheep, he did not abandon his care. In these quiet opportunities he composed many of his Psalms. When he encountered the giant Goliath, he relied on God’s power to overcome and did not accept that Goliath challenged and despised the people of God.

How have we behaved as Christians? You who already are Christians, have you behaved as a true Christian? And you who have not yet given themselves to God, what are you waiting for to make a true commitment to Christ? Let us be an example and true Christians. God bless us!

Categories: PORTUGUESE