This month in the series Book of Books we study the cornerstone knowledge of Christianity – the power of resurrection of Jesus Christ. The concept of resurrection holds significant importance in Christianity. It refers to the belief that Jesus Christ, after being crucified and buried, rose from the dead on the third day. This event, known as the Resurrection, is a central tenet of Christian believes and is considered a pivotal moment in the Christian faith.
The power of resurrection in Christianity is multifaceted and carries several spiritual implications:
1. Victory over Death: The Resurrection symbolizes the triumph of life over death. It demonstrates God’s power to overcome the ultimate human experience of mortality, offering believers the hope of eternal life.
2. Redemption and Forgiveness: The Resurrection is seen as the completion of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. Through His resurrection, Christians believe that sins are forgiven, and humanity is reconciled with God, opening the way for salvation.
3. Affirmation of Jesus’ Divinity: The Resurrection is a key element in affirming Jesus’ divinity. It serves as evidence of his unique identity as the Son of God, reinforcing Christian teachings about the nature of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
4. Promise of Future Resurrection: Christian theology teaches that believers will also experience resurrection in the future. The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, discusses the resurrection of the dead and the transformation of believers into imperishable, spiritual bodies.
5. Hope for the Future: The Resurrection instills hope in Christians, not only for the afterlife but also for the present. It is a source of strength during times of trial and suffering, as believers trust in the power of Christ to bring life and renewal to challenging situations.
In February we continue the study of works of great preachers and this month we dedicate to Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910). Specifically, we study the series “God’s Peacemakers”.
Blessed are the Peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9).
This is the last beatitude descriptive of the character of the Christian. There follows one more, which describes his reception by the world. But this one sets the top stone, the shining apex, upon the whole temple-structure which the previous Beatitudes had been gradually building up. One may remember that we have pointed out in previous programs how all these various traits of the Christian life are deduced from the root of poverty of spirit. You may also remember how we have had occasion to show that if we consider that first Beatitude, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” as the root and mother of all the rest, the remainder are so arranged as that we have alternately a grace which regards mainly the man himself and his relations to God, and one which also includes his relations to man.
Now there are three of these which look out into the world, and these three are consummated by this one of my text. These are the meek,” which describes a man’s attitude to opposition and hatred; “the merciful,” which describes his indulgence in judgment and his pitifulness in action; and “the peacemakers.” For Christian people are not merely to bear injuries and to recompense them with pity and with love, but they are actively to try to bring about a wholesome and purer state of humanity, and to breathe the peace of god, which passes understanding, over all the jangling’s and struggles of this world.
So, we think, if we give a due depth of significance to that name “peacemaker,” we shall find that this grace worthily completes the whole linked series, and is the very jewel which clasps the whole chain of Christian and Christlike characteristics.

As always, we have other projects under development that might be interesting to you. Come and download numerous Christian books, listen to our programs, see several video lessons based on Russian Christian art, look at pictures of beautiful Alaska, the home of our first radio station, KNLS.
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Categories: RUSSIAN