A reasonable answer at times can be difficult to come by. We stay spiritually ready to share our faith and give reasons for the hope that we have in Christ, but sometimes it can be challenging.

Getting this message to our listeners via radio and the Internet is our challenge. It starts with developing great content, which involves writing an interesting script that goes through the process as described in the diagram below.

An astrophysicist, working with NASA since 1962,
Dr. Nobie Stone (pictured with Guillermo, Noiylis and Rex), wrote the series A Reasonable Answer. He agreed to write 14 scripts after we traveled to Cuba together. In a Havana neighborhood with a large part of the community in attendance, Nobie was able to share the message of God and the wonders of His creation.

Many of our listeners are looking for clear answers about God, creation, and the hope we find in Jesus. The evidence of these things, from discoveries science has made in outer space. helps bring clarity to our listeners questions. Since Dr. Stone doesn’t speak Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic or Portuguese we are in the process of translating, recording and editing these messages in Spanish and Russian at this time.

We are excited to be working with such an interesting and Godly man, “listening in”, as he shares his belief in God and His creation. This is an example of Dr Nobie Stone’s script being developed into a radio program, A Reasonable Answer.

As seen above we are blessed to be partnering with some great talent. Jose Castillo Jr. is our translator and editor on this project. Angel Guzman is our recording technician. And, Alberto Martin is our Spanish voice conveying Dr. Stones message of hope. We are grateful for their contributions to this very important production.

Prayers for our production are always appreciated. We strive to produce programs that meet the need of our listeners.

Categories: SPANISH