Health care workers are now some of the most important people in our lives. In our own family, Brenda’s sister, Diann, heads up a Rapid Response team in her hospital. And, our son-in-law, Luis, is a pediatric nurse. Both work at Memorial Hospital in South Florida. They are on the front lines. With a shortage of masks Brenda got out her sewing machine and got busy creating a variety of masks that will help family and those working alongside them in the hospital. This is a time of prayer and care as all of our talents are put to work!

Reaching out to our listeners using radio and social media we are able to deliver God’s hope during a time where the whole world is impacted by this pandemic. While we are doing our best to be of comfort during this storm, we are also encouraging our listeners to listen to the guidance coming from their own governments.

As Christians let’s share out faith in God during these challenging times. Let’s join together in prayer!

Ten Commandments for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Click on image below for a direct link to the Spanish version.

1. Don’t panic. As followers of Christ, we must remember that our God is a “refuge and strength, a help very present in times of anguish.” (Ps. 46: 1). God has not given us a spirit of fear. We mustn’t panic. Our Heavenly Father remains the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God.

2. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. The number one recommendation is to wash your hands thoroughly. If possible, the disinfectant should be available in as many places around your work and home as possible.

3. Keep social distance. You must take the necessary precautions. Listen to the medical experts and the government. Face this pandemic informed, sensitively and wisely.

4. You’ll be patient with the people you live with. Being around the same people 24 hours a day can test love and patience with each other. But before exploding, remember: “God who gives that patience and that spirit will help them live in full harmony with one another…” (Rom. 15:5)

5. Love your neighbor and take care of yourself. In Matthew 22:39, Jesus says that the second most important commandment is “to love your neighbor as yourself”. If you’re sick or experiencing cold-like symptoms, love your neighbor enough to go to your doctor, stay home, and take care of yourself.

6. Keep working out. Just because you can’t go out or go to the gym doesn’t mean you don’t have to work out. Not to mention that exercise is a great way for those of us who try to manage anxiety and maintain a sense of normalcy.

7. Don’t discriminate. The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) originated in China. Since then, there have been numerous incidents of discrimination against the Asian community. As people of faith, we must affirm all men created and loved by God, without any distinction.

8. Be considerate of older adults. It should be a priority to care for our older adults. Be sure to help them in any way you can, such as offering to buy food or medicine. Don’t forget that they also need human interaction, so call them and take some time to talk to them.

9. Don’t accumulate. It’s important to be prepared! However, as followers of Christ we are called to “bear one another’s burdens…” (Galatians 6:2). So, if you have something that someone lacks and needs, be sure to share it and show God’s love.

10. Pray. After fulfilling each COVID-19 commandment and being as cautious as possible, and as people who believe in the power of prayer, we must pray that God will heal our land, pray for families already affected by COVID-19, fpray or our doctors and working leaders diligently to contain and respond to this virus. We must pray incessantly and take care of each other

May God bless you and you family!

Categories: SPANISH