Probably most people can recognize the value of collaboration. In the kingdom of God working together is not only convenient, it is essential, in order to accomplish God’s goals. The followers of Christ are continually encouraged in the Scriptures to be united, to work together with the same mind and goals (Phil. 1: 27; 2: 1-5; I Cor. 1: 10; Rom. 15: 5-6; Eph. 4: 12-16; Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12; Prov. 11: 14).

Last year, our president Andy Baker continued to challenge us to have a 5-year plan for our work as Sr. Producers. In the case of the Spanish Service, a significant part of that plan was going to be to establish significant relationships with individuals, churches and organizations that share the same vision, values, and beliefs as we do, in order to create long lasting collaboration.

One such organization is Genesis Alliance. I had met its executive director Sixto Rivera many years ago, when we both were dedicated to the local church preaching ministry in different states. We got in touch again through a mutual friend.

Through my recent contact with Sixto, I have learned quite a bit about Genesis Alliance. They are a multi-cultural, multi-generational movement of disciple-makers, making alliances with emerging established churches, focusing primarily on the Spanish-speaking world. Their motto is, “Making Disciples who make new disciples, from Alaska to Chile.” The main focus of their work is to identify people who are open to hear the gospel and help them to commit their lives to Christ through conversion. But their work does not end there. They equip those new Christians to become disciple makers. Some of them continue on to plant new churches that repeat the same process.

Amazingly, they have planted about one hundred churches, and their workers baptize and train about 350 people each year. Just in the month of January, they have baptized 36 new people already. They have an ambitious project of planting new churches in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, also known as Metroplex. They call it Metro 100 Project. They are trying to reach the almost 1,746,000 first- and second-generation Latinos there. So far, they have planted 7 new churches!

As you can see, their vision and work perfectly fit ours. We also want to reach people in Hispanic America with the saving message of Jesus through radio. They see value in what we are doing in this process of disciple making, and graciously are willing to create new content for our radio programs and applications. We, on the other hand, are willing and able to supply our programs to download from our website for them to use in their work. We are now exploring the possibility of their network of churches doing follow up of our listeners in their own countries.

We pray that this collaboration will help in creating a bigger impact for the Kingdom in Latin America and beyond. May God be glorified, and people be transformed by the message of Jesus. May we continue to see individual Christians become disciple makers, and churches multiply exponentially.

Categories: SPANISH