We have some good news to share! Last month we reported about the amazing results of boosting on Facebook the first chapter of each of the four gospels on videos. Each boost points back to our App and website where we have the whole content of the four gospels. Nothing fancy. It’s just the plain scriptures being read and illustrated with live images that were recorded in the land of Israel. It does not cease to amaze me that something so simple, it is so powerful!

As of today, the boosting of the first chapter of the gospel of John in Spanish has resulted in 118,000 Likes, 1,800 comments and 1,000 shares. Since posting it, these numbers are increasing by the minute. Only in the month of November we had 2,112 unique visitors in our App, and 354 in the first 5 days of December. We plan to do more of those paid advertisements to promote our posts during the month of December.

Another good news that we want share is that on November 25, Rachel Girón, a member of our team in Cuba, was baptized in Christ. Rachel is a believer in Jesus, but she had not put on Christ. But, through the influence of some Christians, and by being exposed to the gospel of Christ for some time, she decided to submit to Jesus. We praise God for the wonderful hope that He provides through His Son Jesus, the Christ. People keep coming to Him for salvation and meaning in life.

It goes to show that Jesus continues to be attractive to people, even after 2000 years have passed since he left our planet. People might be turned off by religious people and their negative, judgmental attitudes towards the people that are different than they are. It was the same in the first century. People were not drawn to the religious establishment. But, when Jesus appeared, they saw something different in Him. He was loving, compassionate and accepting, and really cared about people. That is why the masses loved Him, and that is why the masses still love Him today.

My mentor in my first steps in Christ, and elder in the church who is now deceased, gave me this advice as I was preparing to deliver my second sermon, “preach about our hope in Christ and you will never lack an audience.” As I am writing this article, I am reminded how true his advice was. As I am preparing for a new year of producing radio programs, I feel confident that if we lift up Jesus, we will always have an audience.

My wife Raquel and I, wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and spiritually productive new year!

Categories: SPANISH