It seems that it was just yesterday that I began working with World Christian Broadcasting as a Senior Producer for Latin America, or Hispanic America. Why does it feel like time flies when you are having fun? Here is a possible explanation: “Unexpectedly pleasurable events boost dopamine release, which should cause your internal clock to run faster. Your subjective sense of time in that case grows faster than time itself, so that short intervals seem longer than they are. The dopamine clock hypothesis accounts for this counterintuitive prediction by an additional assumption about attention: When things are good, attention to time is reduced, such that intervals seem shorter than they are.” Lake JI, Meck WH, Neuropsychologia 51, 284 (2013). The key here is “pleasurable events” and “when things are good.” Working with a sense of purpose is pleasurable and good for me. So, these 10 months have felt like 10 days to me.

As we approach the end of the year, I am thankful to those who have contributed so far to make this journey a pleasurable one.

Thank you, Rex Morgan, for being a friend and a mentor for many years and for believing in me. I try very hard every day to prove you right when you submitted my name for consideration to be your successor as a Senior Producer.

Thank you, Andy Baker, for trusting me with this ministry, even though you did not know me personally. Thank you for your kind and humble spirit that always make me feel welcome and for your willingness to come to Miami to get to know me and my family better and see first- hand what I do and how I do it. You have made me feel at home at WCB. To me, you are more than a boss; you are a friend.

Thank you, Amado Abenojar, for traveling to Franklin to give me training and advise at the very beginning. Thank you for being there as a resource person every time I need technical assistance. I really appreciate your willingness to help.
Thank you to my fellow producers, for helping in making me feel welcome at WCB. Thank you, Tony Tadros, and Edward Ho, for allowing me to benefit from your experience. I appreciate your timely advice.

Thank you, Gayle Crowe, for your willingness to share your insightful scripts for us to translate.

Thank you, Diana, Sue, Phyllis, Kenda and Kok Hai for being supportive and helpful. You create a positive and welcoming environment at the office.

Thank you, Raquel, my beloved wife, for your unconditional support and help. Thank you for taking upon yourself the responsibility of doing the follow up of our listeners. I am glad you are the first person they get in contact with. Your sweet disposition is an embodiment of the message we proclaim.

Last, but not least, I thank God almighty for making everything possible. He is the one “who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to every one!

Categories: SPANISH