God surprised us with a new opportunity in the midst our Covid-19 challenges. So many doors have shut for Christian Productions International as the personal isolation restrictions have cancelled three mission trips and suspended some of the broadcast funding.

Denton set up a Zoom meeting with nine of the Baja Missions staff to talk about how our radio production and video content could be utilized to bring hope to Baja, Mexico.

Those attending the meeting were in 3 different time zones: Eastern, Central, and Pacific Time. Communicating coast to coast allowed us to share ideas and brainstorm practical ways to share the message of Jesus Christ in Mexico.

The Zoom meeting brought us face to face to discuss partnering in:

  • Radio production training.
  • Radio broadcasting, utilizing the content that we produce.
  • Developing a radio program, with a local host, utilizing several of our radio segments.
  • Promoting our website as a source of hope for the population of Baja, Mexico.

Our second Zoom meeting is already scheduled to develop a more detailed plan with goals and objectives that will impact Baja, Mexico.  We encourage you to pray that God reveals His plan to these efforts.

Categories: SPANISH