Welcome to the month of September. We pray for all our listeners that this month brings spiritual upliftment, deepens your trust in God, and makes your love of God flourish. African Pathways has both short-wave radio programs with one-hour broadcasts twice daily. If you miss any shortwave broadcasts, you can log into our website www.africanpathways.org, for twenty hours more of our programs. We are beginning to flag our listeners who are taking advantage of both the shortwave radio programs and our website. We write this month to thank three of them. Very encouraging and God’s blessing to them.

Sub-Saharan Africa is a complex region of the world with over 1010 languages within 41 countries. We thank God that the majority of these countries also adopt English as one of their official languages. In the African Pathways program, we broadcast in African English. We are writing to announce that we have recruited a few Africans who will be helping in writing and presenting to reflect the culture of our target audience. For security reasons because of rapid attacks on Christians in this part of the world, we prefer to keep their names and locations private. Please pray for these workers of the Lord. We currently have one lady and two men. Praise God for this effort. We believe they will add value to our broadcast and help attract more listeners. These people are going to be serving us out of a very turbulent environment where militants can exterminate them if they know they are involved in Christian broadcast programs. Please keep them in your prayers and we know God will protect them. Remember Jesus’ assurance in Matthew 28:18-20 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age?” We are thrilled in this effort.

We are going into the last quarter of 2023. We thank God that in the last eight months of 2023, we have more than doubled the number of our listeners monthly and visits to our website have also increased. The more people get to listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ, we believe the better world we shall leave. It is our hope that making disciples of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can change our world for the better. Let’s keep on inviting people to listen to our daily broadcast and World Christian Broadcasting’s other programs. God bless all of you.

Edet Udofia – Senior Producer Africa

Categories: AFRICA