“What are we here for?” needs to be the constant reminder of Christian, church, and Christian ministry. Reading the Bible, praying, worshiping God, encouraging people who are sick, helping those who are in need, yes, these are all important. Yet, for World Christian Broadcasting, the front and center of this ministry is, in short, taking the salvation of Christ Jesus to the world through shortwave radio and other media.

Are listeners around the world get to hear the salvation of Christ for him or her from WCB? Can listeners get to know God through Jesus from programs we play from KNLS and MWV? Can website visitors come to know and to desire the new life in Jesus from our programs? Is Jesus making a difference in the lives of people who trust in Him? What is God doing through Jesus today? How does the salvation of Christ solve our problems? These are the focus of our show and tell as we produce Chinese radio programs and manage the Chinese website.

A Sample of Daily Program

For example, several of our September programs aim to encourage people, rich and poor, to accept the gospel of Jesus. One such program asks should we rest our hope and security on money during a time of pandemic and war? As we look around, the economy is as anxious as people are. Then, should we rest our hope and security on wisdom and power? If that worked, we should have already found a way out of the pandemic, war, and recession by now. At this point, we introduce God’s salvation through Jesus to our listeners, and highlight that this assurance of hope and security comes from God’s grace, yet it requires the faith of man. So, we ask listeners the question, are they willing to put their trust in God solely, to pursue their security by obeying God’s truth, and to make sacrifices as they rest their heart in Jesus only and often. In conclusion, we invite listeners to exercise their faith in Jesus’ salvation.

As this particular segment tells about God’s salvation through Jesus in the one-hour program, we select other segments of program to show how God’s salvation plays out as Jesus works in the lives of those who believe in Him. For example, because of Jesus, a handicapped lady endures extreme pain, abandons complaint, and pursues Jesus’ example to suffer. Because of Jesus, a Christian couple seek to mend their broken marriage and reject divorce. Because of Jesus, two Christian parents apologize to their children and repent for their acts of abuse in parenting. Because of Jesus, a church full of Christians surround a widow with love when her husband died suddenly. Because of Jesus, God answers prayers of a Christian lady and heals her husband’s illness by bringing in an unexpected doctor. We also read one chapter of the Bible and allow God’s word to interact with listeners. We pray that God’s Spirit would touch the heart of listeners and connect them with God.

In this edition of What’s Going On we provided you with a small window to our focus, method, and a sample of our daily Chinese program. Please pray for listeners and that God will communicate with each listener personal and meaningfully through our program material. It is our goal that our listeners get to know and to appreciate God’s salvation through Jesus as they listen to World Christian Broadcasting often.

Categories: CHINESE