How Jesus’ life and death can make a difference in people’s lives during Covid-19 occupied the majority of our programming in September. The pandemic has caused separation between the sick, the dead, and their loved ones. Sadly, also the world witnessed many divides between people and among nations in recent months. As we came to realize how desirable unity is, our programs introduced the uniting power of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and way of life. In the past two thousand years, God and man have been united through the death of Jesus on the Cross. Powerful witnesses followed those Christians who carried the cross of Christ in their hearts and deeds as they have been united with their adversaries. In addition, those who shared the gospel of Jesus had facilitated unity between God and people far and near in baptism. Everlasting hope always follows those who live the life of Jesus as they anticipated reunion with their loved one in heaven.

The power of unity in Jesus was also illustrated through Christian living testimonies in our September broadcast. For example, our brother Jerry Douglas passed away on September 6, 2020. On his last day two church members visited him at his home in Nashville and witnessed his faith. Because he believed in the resurrection of Jesus he accepted his death in peace. Because he believed in Jesus’ promise of eternal life he had great hope to unite with God when Jesus returns in the end. Our listeners got to learn from our program content during the pandemic that Jesus’ death and resurrection crush the fear, the divide, and death.

Can the life of Jesus make a difference in the way we live our lives during the pandemic? Disease did not stop Jesus from visiting people with God’s love and salvation! Likewise visitation made by Christians to individuals with the gospel has continued daily in the past two thousand years, even in the days of Covid-19 wearing masks and keeping social distancing. In September we broadcast the visitation made by church members in Nashville during the pandemic and baptism occurred as a result. The pandemic might have halted various activities around the world, but evangelism continues with even greater urgency at World Christian Broadcasting and in churches around the globe.

The difference Jesus could make in people’s life is not just outward evangelism but inward as well. By allowing the Holy Spirit to work God’s pruning in our lives, many Christians denied themselves and sought God as their life coach. For example, our guest speaker Dr. Wang turned his focus and sought first God’s kingdom and righteousness. Gardening experience could remind us of God’s pruning: our obedience consequently eliminates many spiritual weeds and helps yield more Godly characteristics such as love and holiness in our lives as we experience rebirth in Jesus. These are a few samples of our September programs.

Please pray for our listeners, that God’s Spirit will work in the hearts of listeners each time they listen. Pray for all our programing staff and volunteers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your interest in the Chinese work of our mission in Christ at World Christian Broadcasting.

Categories: CHINESE