Listener’s responses encourage us, while the pandemic and the political changes around the world continue stirring unrest. Their correspondence testify the fact there are listeners out there tuning in to our program and that with Lord’s help we are making a difference in their lives. To this fact, we give thanks to God. May God bless listeners around the world. One new listener wrote, “I come to learn more about the Bible through your radio program. Though I am not a Christian, from your program, I learn that the attitude of appreciating the little things and each person around us brings us a sense of happiness, such as the fact that I could listen to your program in my room comfortably at night. You are right.” Another new listener wrote, “I come to know you on the internet, and consequently become interested in the Bible. I like to learn more about it on your website. Would you please send me a copy of the Bible?” One old listener wrote, “Disasters keep pounding on us this year from flood problem to recent reoccurrence of Coronavirus which entails new lockdown in my hometown. So, we can’t go to church now. Is the pandemic still bad in the U.S.? Disasters lead Christians to address the gospel to neighbors in our community, which prepare us to meet Christ and God. In this sense Jesus does present to the world very important perspective to look at the pandemic and other disasters facing the world today.” One new listener said in her correspondence that “I like the hymns you played in programming. Could you please share with me more?” These are precious people. May God bless each one of them with more understanding and appreciation of God’s grace and truth daily.


We are making efforts to produce daily program with a clearer focus in order to encourage deeper communication in the hearts and minds of our listeners. To achieve the goal, a chapter of the Bible is read daily whose main and apparent point sets the theme of the hour. Then, the senior producer selects from the data base relevant segments to compose the one-hour magazine program. For example, a late September daily program read Psalms 52 which depicts the life-threatening vulgar language found common among the soldiers and gangsters in which David found himself while he ran away from Saul’s attempt to kill him. Then, program segments in the data base concerning inappropriate words that are used on social media, threatening words used by bullies at school, and even curse words used by parents at home are selected for the hour. A counter-group of segments which focus on godly communication, it’s motivation and choices of word, are also selected for the hour. That is how the daily programs are produced. Then, we pray and ask God to make connections and engage communication with listeners when listeners actually hear the program. We would like to ask you to join us in our prayers for listeners and for our productions.

US-Sino Relations

Relationships between the United States and China were strained during the Trump administration under Covid-19. It has tightened during the Biden’s time as well. Such changing conditions between the two governments leaves the responsibility of peace even more to the hands of the people. God is calling for His children to be peacemakers. We witness this godly calling implemented among Chinese churches in North America where American and Chinese Christians remain loving, helpful, and respectful toward each other before and after the straining political relationship. In our programming we pray for God’s blessings for leaders of both governments. We sincerely pray for our listeners worldwide for God’s protection over them and their loved ones and ask that they will not be infected with the Coronavirus. We are grateful for God and the Chinese authority because our listeners get to hear our programs and visit our website easily. We pray the relationship between the two governments will get better soon.


The parents of our staffs, Shumei, Salina, and Edward are all aging. Thankfully, they are all healthy. Yet, the need to visit them also becomes higher. Salina went this week to help take care of her mother in California. With Coronavirus international travel is complicated. Please pray for blessings of good health for Shumei’s parents who live in Taiwan. God has given us wonderful co-workers. Please pray for good health for us too so that we may fulfill our responsibility bringing godly blessings through our radio programs and website to enrich the lives of our listeners. In the same manner, we pray for your entire families and you who have been praying and supporting our Chinese ministry. We thank you, our quiet heroes behind the scene.

Categories: CHINESE