Production Output

Shumei is progressing well in transliterating the audio archive into literal text, with which our website visitors can download the scripts to meet their needs. This is as equally important a service as Kok Hai enabled the Bible texts available on our website along with our audio Bible reading. The process of transliterating audio files into scripts could seemingly be boring and tedious at times. Yet, Shumei and Kok Hai are humble and faithful. They are truly godly Christian servants. I am honored and humbled to serve side by side with them. Thank our Lord for preparing them for this ministry that is World Christian Broadcasting. Due to their hard work, the content of our website is very enriching and the number of website visitors are gradually growing.

Salina is editing Dr. Zhenyou Guo’s lecture on prayer, one of ten presentations in his Disciple Training series. The material focuses on the practical end of praying, highlighting important aspects of how to pray to our Heavenly Father. Dr. Guo grants permission to us to use his material in ways best for our listeners. We truly thank God for him for being generous and brotherly toward our ministry and to our listeners. Please pray for Salina’s editing efforts. May God bless our listeners when they learn to pray through our radio programs based on Dr. Guo’s lectures.

Rebeca Lin is a talented young writer. Her journal of her sister’s passing and immigration journey to Canada is a beautiful prose. We are grateful that Lin expands our literature genre and enables us to engage our listeners with enjoyable experience and artistic touch while they listen to our program. In addition, Miao Xin makes his first appearance on our website this month as well. Miao is a scholar in science and a faithful witness to Jesus’ salvation. His excellent academic background adds logical weight to our program. Please pray that our Lord uses these new materials on our website to turn the heart of many Chinese toward Him. The earthquake brings the world together one more time due to its massive devastation and sudden loss of tens of thousands of lives within a blink of an eye. Our prayers are for God’s help to save lives of those victims who might still live under the crumbled buildings. We will continue to pray for our broadcast for victims as they rebuild their lives and home with God’s help.

Listener’s Correspondence

Chinese is one of the earliest language services of World Christian Broadcasting. Some of our listeners have listened to us for a long time and they become friends. Their expression of friendship are a treasure to us. Mr. Mei remembers every one of our staff’s names. Mr. Cen shares with us how other broadcasters respect us and reports about our ministry. Other recent correspondence includes a notification of an error appears on our website on broadcasting hour. His friendship and report helped us to correct the error quickly. Thanks to God that we continue to receive request from listeners for a copy of the Chinese Bible. Please pray for them and for the people sending the Bibles.

Categories: CHINESE