We thank you for coming to learn what is going on in the Chinese language service. Particularly for those of you who are interested in various aspects of Chinese ministry, we like to welcome you into the heart of Chinese programming in this edition. A lot of attention focuses on the main theme, logical flow, unity, balance, and quality of our daily program. To connect with our listeners is always front and center of programming efforts. Therefore, our staff is very intentional in choosing topics, selecting material, and preparing content. We pray for God’s help in packaging the word of God creatively, logically, and culturally in order to attract and to connect with listeners. After production is done, we pray daily, asking God to communicate with listeners through our programs in personal and meaningful ways. Even if we do not hear from listeners, we believe God is at work.

Listener response

This summer one listener responded to one of our programs, which is about the context in which the Chinese character “丧”, meaning the loss of life, was invented earlier than 3,600 years ago. According to the earliest drawing of 丧, an apparent logical deduction could be reached that those Chinese who invented this character were familiar with the story of Garden of Eden where after the fall of Adam and Eve, the angel of God set a flaming rotating sword to guard the way to the tree of life recorded in Genesis 3:24. The deduction is supported by the earliest Chinese medical account of diagnose of fear caused by the acknowledgement of the fate of losing one’s life, in which the same account of Genesis 3:24 was used to describe how the cause of death is realized. This medical account is found in the famous and the first Chinese medical classics 《黄帝内经》at least 3000 years ago.

The listener who contacted us is actually a linguist by profession and a Christian by faith. He has studied the ancient Chinese characters a decade ago and found correlation between several dozens of ancient Chinese characters and biblical accounts. His research findings have been accepted by a few periodicals and published. By sharing his material with us, it enables the Chinese to realize and appreciate the divine blessings in ancient Chinese culture. We thank God for unexpected friendship with our dear listeners.


Congratulation to Shu-Mei Lee, our new grandmother. Her first grandson was born on July 27. Shu-Mei is assisting her daughter for a few weeks in California and enjoying her first grandchild. Thanks to Kok Hai and Amado, Shu-Mei can keep up her work while she is attending to her daughter’s needs a thousand miles away. Shu-Mei’s father is struggling with a few health issues, however, in Taiwan. Shu-Mei is concerned about him. We thank God that Salina’s mother, 97 years old, continues to be stable and well these days. Yet, Edward’s mother is not well and has been under hospice care for three weeks. Please pray for our parents and children for God’s care for each one of them.

Prayer Requests

We do thank you for your prayers, support, and interest in our Chinese ministry. We thank God for you who are our dear coworker behind the scenes. Please do pray for each listener and website visitor, that God will increase their understanding about what Jesus has said and has been doing for us through our programs and become dedicated seekers of God. Please pray for the Chinese people and their leaders for God’s blessings. May Chinese and Americans find ways, intentionally and with God’s helps, to be friends personally and between the two nations. May God bless you and your family.



Categories: CHINESE