It’s the time of year where many focus on gratitude. Here at World Christian Broadcasting, we have begun once again, as we have since 2020, gathering the staff here in Franklin, to have lunch together and enjoy the Jesus television series, “The Chosen.” As we watch “The Chosen” we learn more about Jesus, realizing how he prepared the twelve apostles to know God’s will and to take that message to the world. While enjoying the fellowship we also appreciate our co-workers in Madagascar, Alaska, Franklin, and around the world. God chose each one of us for this special ministry at World Christian Broadcasting (WCB).

God prepares servants for his ministry, providing funding through faithful churches, generous donors, bridges listeners and website visitors with our services. God conducts communication while each listener and website visitor listen and read, we give Him the glory and thanks. While we still remember the joys of Thanksgiving and anticipate the coming of Christmas, this version of What’s Going On will give you a house tour to the who and what of the Chinese Language Service of WCB.

People are the greatest blessing and asset of the Chinese team. Shumei is a native of Taiwan, educated at a college of business. She was working for a radio station as she followed her dreams, before coming to the United States. She married Sam Lee, moved to Los Angeles, and settled in Nashville, Tennessee. She then met Edward Short and Salina Ho, and joined the Chinese team at WCB, which fulfilled her dream. Shumei loves God and devotes her life to this ministry. Everything she does is wholehearted. In the past five years, Shumei has given scriptural reference to many of our previous recordings so that they could be posted on our website to be read and downloaded by visitors. The task at hand for Shumei includes listening to the recording, transliterating the audio file, and typing what is being spoken. Shumei is now assisting Salina on a discipleship series, and Ziwen (one of our stringers) on her prayer series, adding two new projects.

Philip, a native of China, had multiple work experiences after receiving his Ph.D. degree. Although successful in the world, Philip desires and loves God more than the world. He decided to devote the rest of his life for Christ. His services began at a local church, including leading prayers, teaching Bible studies, and preaching. Later he helped less fortunate children throughout Asia such as orphans and kidnapped children. Philip joins our Chinese team this year. While he and his family are transitioning themselves to middle Tennessee, Philip has translated and rewritten a series of articles on persecuted Christians of this century. He is writing a new series on the subject of love based on I Corinthians 13 currently.

Salina, a dedicated mother and a journalist by training, became a Christian after she was married to Edward Ho. Although her family has Buddhist background, she was exposed to Christianity throughout her education in Taiwan from schools established by the Catholic church. These years of exposure render Salina insights as to how to approach the Chinese who are not Christians. Her experience of mothering three children enables her to produce many programs on marriage and parenting. Now she is producing a series about discipleship training taught by Dr. Zhenyou Guo. The series helps young Christians grow to become mature disciples of Jesus, while the contents are very helpful with introducing Christianity to those seeking to know more about being a Christian and what life is all about.

Edward came to the United States pursuing a master’s degree in American history. He planned to go back home and work for a newspaper as an editor and reporter. The Lord changed his course after Edward Short introduced him to WCB. He realized through personal experience that evangelism is a much more needed and meaningful service than journalism. After much encouragement from God, he decided to obey God’s calling and share the gospel with Chinese through radio. Right now, he is working on Redemption Story, a video series produced for the non-Christian audience.

Listener’s response is our treasure of encouragement. The correspondence gives indications of how our programs are being received. One listener said, “no matter how busy I am, I make time to listen to your program. Your content is spiritual food to me. Listening to the hymns you chose to play for us is a wonderful experience. Your interviews are very persuasive in presenting Christianity. I enjoy most programs on family issues.”

Another listener trusts us to the degree that she shares her agony as her Dad is sick with cancer. We share her request for prayer for her father with our co-workers during daily prayer time. Within a few weeks, she wrote back and said “I truly thank God because my Dad is now improved enough that the hospital has approved a needed operation. I hope that God would work through the operation and restore his health. I cannot say enough “Thank you to all that prayed for my Dad! May God richly bless you all.”

This listener who asked for a copy of the Bible states in his correspondence, “Would it be possible that you could send me some Christian material alongside the Bible. I make this request so that I could share with people around me about your radio station in particular.” His remark brightens and warms our heart. We know from these listeners that there are people learning and enjoying what we produce about God, and His son Jesus. Hopefully, you are encouraged by this correspondence as well.

The last link in the chain to complete this team making up the Chinese Language Service team at WCB is YOU! Your interest in reading, learning about us, prayers on our behalf are the quiet force that strengthens us daily. Please continue to pray for our listeners, website visitors, and team members. We need God’s help daily in every step of the process. We need God’s help preparing new helpers and volunteer workers who will write program scripts, accept interviews, help solve website issues, etc. Your past support and prayer are very much appreciated. We sincerely ask God’s blessings for you. You are a friend and a co-worker of our team and ministry. May God bless your family with a very Merry Christmas.

Categories: CHINESE