Chinese Language Service experienced great lost in the past few weeks. First, Shumei lost her father, then Salina lost her mother and a year ago this month Edward lost his mother. Please remember members of these families. Due to the loss of loved ones, Shumei and Salina need to travel and spend time taking care of family needs. Please pray for both of them as well. Shumei still has her mother, and Edward his father. Both are in their eighties and nineties, yet they are in fairly healthy condition. Please pray for them both, too.

Shumei has finished transliterating recordings of the series titled “Pause”, thus enabled the fifty-two articles written by brother William Hobby to be posted on our Chinese website; scripts and their audio recordings side-by-side. Thanks to Shumei for her hard work, while she is in Taiwan attending her Dad’s funeral and taking care of family needs.

“Pause” series is composed of fifty-two short articles. The purpose of Hobby’s writing is personal improvement in nature. Suggestions are down to earth, practical, applicable, and Biblical. In the past, listeners who heard of it through our short-wave broadcast have requested for the scripts. Now they are available for download on our website.

Salina just completed two lessons of the Christian Maturity series written and recorded by Dr. Zhenyou Guo. The first lesson talks about prayer, the second encourages us to listen to God’s personal reminder through Bible Reading. The two lessons aim to build personal relationship between Christians and their God. Salina produced fifteen segments from the two lessons. We hope these recordings will facilitate personal growth of our listeners who are Christians and that they would encourage their church members to listen the series online.

Please pray for leaders of China and the United States of America, while they are finding ways to a better and cooperative relationship. We are always encouraged by the people of two nations for their friendship and services toward each other. The better days will come, because in God there is nothing impossible.

A note about the photo. World Christian Broadcasting could not do what we do without friends in Christ, and churches throughout the world in particular. Tian Mu Church of Christ in Asia is an example. With the help of a dozen members we have produced some of our best interviews. Their minister, brother Yin Ji and his wife Shan Shan, have assisted our ministry in many ways. One of the recent efforts they made was to pay a personal tribute on our behalf to Shumei’s family during the memorial service of Shumei’s father. Last weekend, Shumei visited the congregation and enjoyed wonderful fellowship with members of the church.

Categories: CHINESE