Listeners are always at the top of list of our efforts and concerns. Therefore, their input means a lot to us. The summer season quickly passed, yet words of affirmation and encouragement from our listeners stay in our mind and heart. Here are some mail quotations and comments from April to August, without mentioning their names. We hope that this focus of the September Issue of What’s Going On, “Encouraging Mail from Listeners,” lift you up just as they did to us.

  1. While I listened to the segment “I Have a Good Father,” I cried, thinking about my father who had passed away. Besides hearing your program with my shortwave radio, I also used my cell phone to listen to your program. It is easy to open and listen on my cell phone. Your programs are well done and good.
  2. I have listened to KNLS for a good while and felt greatly benefited from your messages. I compare your programs with other religious radio stations and consider your programming is friendlier, because you don’t preach to us.
  3. I have found your article online. But, I can’t open the link and find the “Passport2Identity” material which you introduced in your article. Today’s society is complicated and morally chaotic, I desire to find this teaching material and help my daughter.
  4. Could you please electronically send me the Basic Bible Correspondence Course? And, if you have, I like to have the Bible Correspondence Course next level up as well. Thank you.
  5. Thank you, WCB, for your broadcast. Your programming enables me to hear the gospel truth and to grow with you. I first started to listen to your broadcast on my shortwave radio many years ago. But, now I can hear your program on internet. Your voices are so familiar to me. Thanks to every staff member of WCB. I welcome you to pray for churches in China.
  6. I work in Beijing. The young generation in China work hard for money. Few care about the gospel. To walk on the path of faith is difficult. Thank you for the sincere words in your reply. Please pray for me. I like to communicate with you more in the future.
  7. I like to hear about the works of missions in China done by American missionaries. Could you try to broadcast in medium wave? I think many Chinese in the countryside in China still listen to medium wave radio broadcasts.
  8. When I have time, I enjoy listening to your programming, particularly your English Tutorial and Christian messages. KNLS’ signal is strong in East China. I heard about your interest and preparation for the Korean language service. Please let me know more of your plan.
  9. I heard your program today. Your signal is relatively clear and traveled 4,000 miles to bring the gospel to us. I thank you for all you do for us.
  10. I only got to know KNLS since last year. Since them I listen to your programming very often. I received the copy of the Bible which you mailed it to me today. I really like it. Thank you.
  11. I introduced KNLS to other amateur radio fans through internet. I hope some of them will try to listen to KNLS. Let me know if you hear response from any of them.
  12. I have two questions. Is God concerned about the physical side of marriage? What does the Bible teach about unfaithfulness in marriage? Thank you for your reply to my previous questions!
  13. Kindness permeates through family related segments you produced. I like your show and tell approach, which enables your teaching applicable in my lives. You deserved to be called “Family Doctor”! I thank you for all the benefits I got from your programs.
  14. I love you all deeply. Your programs are brilliant. I thank you for your love. I listen to your programs every day. You are an inseparable part of my life. I thank God for allowing me to come to know you and to hear your radio program. I can’t imagine the tremendous amount of efforts you put into the production of your radio shows. Thank you all.
Categories: CHINESE