In our October programming we discuss a very important subject of Christian life – judgment. The question of whether Christians should judge others is a topic that has been discussed and debated within the Christian community for centuries. Christian views on this issue can vary, but we discuss it from the point of view of some common perspectives.

  1.  “Do Not Judge” Perspective: Some Christians adhere strictly to the biblical command found in Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV), where Jesus says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way, you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” They interpret this as a clear directive to refrain from passing judgment on others, emphasizing the importance of humility, and leaving judgment to God alone.
  2. Judgment with Righteousness Perspective: Others argue that while Christians should avoid hypocritical or self-righteous judgment, they are called to make righteous judgments. In John 7:24 (NIV), Jesus says, “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” This perspective suggests that Christians should exercise discernment and judgment, when necessary, but always with humility, love, and a desire to help and correct rather than condemn.
  3. Judging Actions, Not Hearts Perspective: Some Christians distinguish between judging a person’s actions and judging their heart or eternal destiny. They believe it is appropriate to evaluate behavior based on biblical principles but refrain from making final judgments about someone’s salvation or spiritual state.
  4. Forgiveness and Compassion Perspective: Many Christians emphasize forgiveness and compassion as core principles of Christianity. They argue that rather than focusing on judgment, Christians should extend grace, love, and understanding to others, as they believe God has done for them.
  5. Accountability and Correction Perspective: Some Christians see a role for judgment within the context of accountability and correction within the church. They believe that when a fellow be liever falls into sin or harmful behavior, it is the responsibility of the community to address the issue in a loving and restorative manner.

In summary, Christian views on judgment can vary, but there is a common thread of emphasizing humility, love, and righteousness in any judgment that is made. Many Christians see a need for discernment and accountability within the faith community while cautioning against harsh or self-righteous judgment. Ultimately, the interpretation and application of these principles may differ among individuals and denominations within Christianity.

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Categories: RUSSIAN