One hundred places were set in the dining room of the palace on the Great Morskaya, Number 43. The princess and her co-host, several of the most distinguished of the nobility in all Russia, waited with anticipation for the arrival of their guests. The luncheon was intended to consolidate the progress of the five preceding days of the religious unity conference and set the tone for the remaining three. Yet something was not right. The delegates had failed to arrive for the morning meeting and now the time set for the luncheon had passed. Minutes stretched to an hour. No one arrived. The afternoon faded into evening. Finally one of the guests, an Armenian, arrived. Breathlessly he announced, “We were all arrested!’…. In our program “Religion in Russia” we discuss the evangelical movement in 19th century Russia and opposition from the government and the Orthodox Church.

We continue our series about prayer. Some people think that we have to ask all minute things from God, but is that the right approach? Let’s look on Jesus’ attitude toward prayer.

Among the letters of Paul, 1 and 2 Corinthians are perhaps most notable for their practical content and personal style. But what was the city of Corinth at that time? Renowned for its metallurgist, who specialized in bronze work and for its sponsorship of the biennial Isthmian games, which were second in popularity and prestige only to those of Olympia, the city rapidly attracted a variety of new residents, creating a cosmopolitan atmosphere dominated by economic sanctification and cultural diversity. We talk about this great city in the program, “Book of Books.”

We have a number of projects under development that might be interesting to you. Come and download numerous Christian books, listen to our programs, see several video lessons based on Russian Christian art, and take a look at pictures of beautiful Alaska, the home of our first radio station, KNLS.

Thanks for reading and for listening!

Categories: RUSSIAN