This month we begin big series in our program “Book of Books” about the Minor Prophets, also known as the Twelve Prophets of the Christian Old Testament that consists of twelve short prophetic books attributed to different authors. These books are called “minor” not because they are less important than the major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel), but because of their shorter length.

The twelve books that make up the Minor Prophets are:
1. Hosea – Written by Hosea in the 8th century BC, it focuses on the theme of God’s love and faithfulness to Israel despite their unfaithfulness.
2. Joel – Written by Joel in the 9th century BC, it deals with themes of repentance and the coming judgment of God.
3. Amos – Written by Amos in the 8th century BC, it denounces the social and religious injustices of Israel’s elite and calls for their repentance.
4. Obadiah – Written by an unknown author in the 6th century BC, it is a prophetic message against the Edomites for their mistreatment of Israel.
5. Jonah – Written by an unknown author in the 8th century BC, it tells the story of Jonah’s reluctant mission to the city of Nineveh and God’s mercy on the repentant Ninevites.
6. Micah – Written by Micah in the 8th century BC, it denounces the corruption and injustice of Israel’s rulers and promises the restoration of God’s people.
7. Nahum – Written by Nahum in the 7th century BC, it prophesies the downfall of the Assyrian Empire and God’s judgment on their cruelty.
8. Habakkuk – Written by Habakkuk in the 7th century BC, it questions why God allows evil to exist and affirms that the righteous will live by faith.
9. Zephaniah – Written by Zephaniah in the 7th century BC, it pronounces judgment on Judah and the surrounding nations, but also promises a future restoration.
10. Haggai – Written by Haggai in the 6th century BC, it urges the people of Judah to rebuild the temple and return to God.
11. Zechariah – Written by Zechariah in the 6th century BC, it contains prophetic visions about the rebuilding of the temple and the coming of the Messiah.
12. Malachi – Written by an unknown author in the 5th century BC, it deals with issues of faithfulness, worship, and justice in Israel.
The Minor Prophets were written over a span of about 400 years and cover a variety of themes, including judgment, repentance, restoration, and the coming of the Messiah. Despite their brevity, these books provide a valuable insight into the religious and social concerns of their respective times and our discussions will bring our listeners very good inside of such important sections of the Bible.

We also continue to study Paul’s second missionary journey, as recorded in Acts 15-18, and which took place around 49-52 AD. Accompanied by Silas, he traveled through Syria, Cilicia, and Galatia, strengthening churches and encouraging believers. Despite wanting to go to Asia to preach the Gospel, Paul was redirected by the Holy Spirit to Macedonia, where he established churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. He then traveled to Athens and preached to the philosophers in the Areopagus before going to Corinth, where he stayed for 18 months and established a church. Along the way, he faced opposition and persecution from both Jews and Gentiles, but God protected and provided for him, and many people believed in Jesus as a result of his preaching.

We have several projects under development that might be interesting to you. Come and download numerous Christian books, listen to our programs, see several video lessons based on Russian Christian art, look at pictures of beautiful Alaska, the home of our first radio station, KNLS.

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Categories: RUSSIAN