As soon as I arrived in Abuja, Nigeria on November 3, I found out I had missed the warning issued by the United States Embassy in Nigeria a few days before my departure. The Embassy of the United States, Abuja, in its updated travel advisory, said: The United States Department of State has granted “authorized departure status” to American citizens and Embassy staff in Abuja over imminent terrorist attacks in Nigeria’s political capital. “On October 27, 2022, the Department authorized the departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and family members due to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks. In a notice on Tuesday evening, the US Department of State pledged to provide routine and emergency services to US citizens in Nigeria. It advised them to “keep a low profile” and “take advantage of commercial transportation options” if they wish to depart Nigeria. “The U.S. Embassy Abuja continues to have limited ability to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Nigeria. “We recommend U.S. citizens do not travel to Abuja at this time.

I spent a little time re-strategizing. My major plan was to meet with the local preachers and figure out how we can collaborate to spread the good news about Jesus Christ through World Christian Broadcasting platforms, short-wave radio, and the internet. I wanted to see what works best in that part of Africa and how we can tap into workable ways to make disciples for Jesus. The words of Jesus in his great commission came to mind,” I will be with you always, even until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).

I finally met with the local preachers in the World Bible School classroom at the Nigerian Christian Bible College. The meeting was very useful and engaging. God has a way of pouring his spirit to actualize his will. Please join me in thanking God for this trip and continue to pray for my safety. I am elated.

Categories: AFRICA