The African Pathways Shortwave Radio program broadcast is initially set for listeners from Sub-Saharan Africa listening audience. In recent times, the program has reached listeners from Europe, Asia, the eastern coast of the United States, India, and Germany. We receive several emails from listeners monthly from these countries in addition to sub-Saharan Africa. There is one group of listeners we rarely mention in the African Pathways program and while l was writing this report, four emails came in from this group alone making a total of 17 from them in March alone. I paused to pay our respect to this group that we rarely acknowledge. I want to thank our listeners who are “Short Wave Enthusiasts.” They have written several times and I want them to know that we love and appreciate them taking the time to listen to the message of Jesus Christ from World Christian Broadcasting shortwave radio frequencies.

Shortwave Radio enthusiasts are men and women who spend most of their time listening to shortwave radio stations, they spend time discussing what is going on in the shortwave radio world, log on to different short-wave radio stations to listen, learn, support, and advise, they are keen about the number of stations on the air, the antennas they receive the programs, how most of the devices listeners use with shortwave radio are constructed and all general ideas surrounding shortwave radio. They now have clubs, associations, and groups that meet together to enjoy the usefulness of shortwave radio and its historicity. The North American Shortwave Association (NASWA), National Radio Club, British DX club, and New Zealand Radio EX League are some of the shortwave radio listeners groups.

When short-wave radio enthusiasts write to African Pathways, they take time to list in order every item in the clips of broadcasts they listened including all the bible passages, bible characters, lesson of the day, music accompaniment, the frequency they received our programs, time and the antenna position. That’s commitment! It is World Christian Broadcasting’s way of sharing Jesus Christ through African Pathways programs and captured by our friends who are short-wave radio enthusiasts.

In the month of April, we salute all our shortwave radio enthusiasts who dialed into our frequency to learn about Jesus Christ. Thank you for being a regular customer and please be a disciple of Jesus Christ, invite your friends to listen to Africa Pathways shortwave radio programs. Your QSLs are on the way.

More grace and more blessings.

Edet Udofia – Senior Producer for Africa.

Categories: AFRICA