Jesus said, “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation…” (Mark 16:15). Our listeners this past month have tuned into the shortwave radio or visited our website to listen to the gospel through African Pathways programs. Listeners have written to us from Lativa, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Nigeria, Cameroun, United Arab Emirates and Wheaton in the USA.

We believe God is blessing every one of our listeners because of the remarks they make when they write to us, many show appreciation, some recall the lessons they heard and how beneficial and encouraging it has been to them, others request Bible study materials while the rest want to enroll in a free Bible study program. We are constantly sending names to World Bible School for follow up on those looking for Bible correspondence study.

Some of our listeners from Cameroun (American spelling is Cameroon, but African spelling is Cameroun) inform us they are refugees living in another country. Cameroun with about 25 million citizens has been unstable since 2016 when the Anglophones (Northwest and Southwest English speaking) demanded through a peaceful demonstration asking for the right to teach and be taught in English, to have the local Camerounian texts in English and to be allowed to interact with English-speaking state representatives. Cameroun was a French colony, and French is the official language. The government labeled the protesters as radical separatists. The ensuing conflict resulted in the death of over 240 civilians, and about 200,000 people fled their homes. An estimated 40,000 Camerounians of the English speaking section found refuge in neighboring countries. On October 1, 2017, leaders of the protest areas proclaimed an Independence of the “Republic of Ambazonia” for the Southwest and Northwest provinces.

In January 2019, the government arrested Maurice Kamto, the leader of the opposition with over 180 other members. A military court sentenced Kamto to 25 years in prison for treason. President Paul Biya has served as the President of Cameroun for 36 years. Please pray for the country of Cameroun.

Categories: AFRICA